Board of Director

Board Committee

Audit Committee

Mr. H.N. Nanani, Chairman

Justice C.K. Mahajan (Retd.)

Ms. Poonam Sangha

Mr. Vivek Talwar

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Mr. H.N. Nanani, Chairman

Mr. Vinod Kashyap

Mr. Vineet Kashyap

Mr. Viekram Kashyap

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Justice C.K. Mahajan (Retd.), Chairman

Mr. H.N. Nanani

Stakeholder’s Relationship Committee

Mr. H.N. Nanani, Chairman

Justice C.K. Mahajan (Retd.)

Mr. Vinod Kashyap

Mr. Vineet Kashyap

Mr. Viekram Kashyap

Executive Committee

Mr. Vinod Kashyap

Mr. Vineet Kashyap

Mr. Viekram Kashyap

Risk Management Committee

Mr. H.N. Nanani

Mr. Vivek Talwar

Mr. Vineet Kashyap

Senior Management

Mr. Naveel Singla, Executive Director (South)

Mr. Kaushlesh Kumar, Deputy Director (South)



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